How to fund a new dirt bike

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Dirt bikes are expensive, and it can seem daunting and out of reach to even think about saving up to buy one. 

There are however a number of ways everyone can begin to come up with the money to get a fresh motorbike or even just enter the sport for the first time. In this guide, we cover three ways to fund a new bike!

Reduce spending habits: 
One of the first things you can do when trying to fund a new dirt bike is prioritising where your money is going and reducing poor spending habits. 

If you're looking at your weekly pay cheque and thinking 'how can I save for a bike', this is the most straightforward way in doing it.

It's by no means easy, as it means giving up things that maybe make our day to day that little bit better, but making sacrifices on things like buying coffees and dinners in favour of making something at home can lead to enough wiggle room in your pay to eventually get yourself on a brand new motocross bike.

Take on additional work/find a side hustle: 
Taking on additional work or finding a profitable side hustle is a great way to come up with the money for a new off-road bike in a shorter period of time, but it's not always suitable. 

Most of us live pretty busy lives as it is and we're all trying to strike a balance of work and play, so adding extra hours of work each may not be viable.

It is, however, a time sacrifice that will boost your bank account and set yourself up to walk into the dealership with cash in hand. 

Finding extra work can come through doing overtime at your existing workplace, or even doing night-fill at your local supermarket.

The other benefit of taking on a second job or side hustle? You probably won't have the time to spend your money, so it will be easier to save what you're earning.

Sell used gear and parts:
Coming up with quick cash is hard, but it doesn't have to be - if you've got old parts and gear, or anything around the house that you don't use anymore, then you can sell it on classified websites to come up with money fast. 

You can literally sell anything that you don't use - whether it be bicycles, gaming systems, electronics, or just old motocross and enduro gear or parts. 

And it doesn't matter if it's $30, $500, or $1000, it all adds up, and if you sell enough, you'll be able to fund a large portion of a new or used dirt bike.

This is the most effective way to buy a new dirt bike, and it's an easily accessible option for every rider and racer.

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